Bezdomny's Psikhushka

Crazy mof’cker with a soft spot for Devils

  • – Nu vreau sa-mi umpli pizda cu durere,
    Cu lacrimile tale cristaline
    De departare si de dor de mine.

    – Nu vreau sa-mi umpli pizda cu speranta,
    Cu fluturi si cu veverite,
    Cu oi pestrite pentru somn. Te-alung, nu te mai vreau!

    Te vreau, te vreau, iarta-ma!!
    Umple-mi ochii cu metal –
    Sa-i arunc catre tine
    Sa te taie,
    Sa te insangereze,
    Fiinta rea si draga, langa fiinta mea tulburandu-se.

    – Nu vreau sa ma umpli cu fericirea mea!
    Vreau sa-ti aud rasul jucaus
    Langa buricul meu,
    Langa coapsele mele,
    In spatele urechilor mele,
    In spatele frumoaselor mele vise!

  • El se uita la mine cu o fata de „ce pula mea vrea asta de la mine?”. Iar eu ma uitam la el cu o fata de „sunt shef’tu, bah, vaca!”. Pe orizontala adica, sa nu inteleaga din fata mea ca sunt misogin or something.
    (mai mult…)

  • Fah, ‘tu-ti gura teiului cu flori de langa blocul tau,
    Coboara de la trei!
    Saruta-ma, cu gura, cu limba, cu pielea, cu sfarcurile.
    Si hai sa ne plimbam
    Ca Magellan – in jurul vietii tale pacatoase.

    Manca-mi-ai zilele de ieri, si-as vrea sa nu te stiu
    Sa fiu pustiu, sa mor si tu sa plangi: „Gigeleeeeee…
    … cin’ ma mai fute-n steleeee!”

  • Salsa
    A simple truth about dancing, which I am going to repeat, so it might finally nail its way into my thick head:

    Dancing is all about the pleasure, the excitement and the rush of having that beautiful girl move with you, close and sensual, to the rhythm of the music, while YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE HER AS THE DUMB ASS THAT YOU ARE.

    I’ll say that again:

    Dancing is all about HER, you IDIOT! Dancing is all about the fact that YOU – UGLY – STUPID – CLUMSY – FOOL have been chosen by HER – and not to simply stand idle and admire, but to DANCE WITH HER, to LEAD her steps. And all you care about is the technique, the figures and the show offs.

    I’ll say it a third time:

    Dancing is all about the simple truth that, like most things in this world, the dance itself is meaningless and empty WITHOUT HER, but it goes on just as well WITHOUT YOU!

    (excuse my French. 😀 It’s just that I’ve left the salsa station turned on in my car the other day – and when a certain tune started, I almost hit a light post. I remembered how, some time ago, during a salsa festival, I couldn’t do some advanced tricks and I got angry and I said to my girlfriend that we should stop, because it was useless. Yeah, it was useless alright. Just HOW BLOODY USELESS IS THE ISSUE in fact. That much about revelations. The ones which come late.)

  • As dori sa multumesc pe aceasta cale dispeceratului pentru multitudinea de semne pe care mi le trimite pentru a-mi reaminti ca o iubesc pe Mona Lisa si mi-e dor de ea – dintre care as enumera: cei trei colegi, care nu ma cunosc, dar care m-au trimis sa vorbesc cu „Mona, err.. pardon, fata aia de la juridic, cum o cheama?…”; personajul din World of Warcraft care mi-a transmis mesajul „You want to play with me?” (da, personajul se numea Mona Lisa evident); melodia asta, care s-a transmis ca nuca-n perete pe DEEA, intr-o versiune putin mixata; melodia asta, care s-a transmis pe Radio Romania Muzical 5 minute mai tarziu, dupa ce am schimbat eu de pe DEEA – intre un lied de Sibelius si un capriciu de Paganini (se potriveste, nu?).

  • Trei pici, ce pula mea, deschide el gratios, de era sa scape cartile din mana. Si sa vezi bah, faza. Ma urc in lift, dau sa inchid usa, cand colo, un pushtiulica face semn din mana sa tin liftul, fara sa se uite la mine, in timp ce zice inca vreo doo catre gashca de afara. Intra in lift, mai baga o fluieratura si cateva chicoteli, printre care, tot fara sa se uite, arunca un: „la patru…”. Catre mine adica. 3 FA? hmmm… Pas, mah. Nu, stai!! Mda, lasa asa, pas. Auzi mah, zice, „la patru…” si mai se hlizeste la aia de afara nitel. Era pe la 8 seara, sambata, eram in maiou, nebarbierit, coborasem sa iau o lada de bere ca incepea meciu’. Booooon. Pai imaginati-va voi acum faza cu incetinitorul: pana s-a intors ala si a dat chiept cu jigania de trei ori cat el, eu imi pregatisem deja cel mai pur bariton de care sunt in stare si, in perfecta sincronizare, i-am trantit un „Ce mah???”. Baah, in viata mea n-am vazut un zambet sa se ofileasca asa brusc. Si-a apasat saracu’ singur, cam tremurand asa. Uite, ca pulica asta care nu stie ce sa dea acum :)). Ptiu, na ca m-a ofilit el pe mine… :(( Ai bah rusule, nu-ti ajungea o picare?

  • The journey

    Please kill me. I’ll pay you…

    It's true. Always was.

    Always will be.

    What is sacred?

    What is the soul made of?

    What is worth living for?

    What is worth dying four?

  • – Cauta mah bine, cum mortii ma-sii sa uiti tot cursul trei acasa? Lanterna se balanseaza frenetic pe sub banca, in timp ce Tzutzu injura marunt dar apasat, probabil nu s-a repetat in ultimul sfert de ora.
    – Jos pixurile, se anuleaza examenul, care-l prind mai repede ia doctoratul decat cursul de termodinamica!!! urla disperat grasu’ de undeva din intuneric.
    Ii ziceam Bulina. Cam prea bland as zice, ca pe langa ca era rotund, putzea, mergea leganat si avea gura mare. Si la propriu si la figurat.

    (mai mult…)

  • Ptiu, iar are Tzutzu un orgasm vizual in stanga mea, zic, dupa licitasem o pica cu vreo 18 puncte. Zambet larg, fata concentrata de gaina care numara boabele, deget ridicat in aer, pentru suspans dramatic… Clar.
    (mai mult…)

  • Tell u a story. It’s about this bitch, from Italy (Europe) with fucked up family #A, and this sucker, same place, same town, with fucked up family #B.
    Catch is, fucked up family #A hates the guts of fucked up family #B (I’ll use the abbreviations fuf#A and fuf#B).
    Xcept the bitch digs the sucker. And vice versa. In fact, they’re kinda so into each other that they plan a beautiful, emotional, clever, Dexter’s lab sorta plan, to get away clean from the respective fuf#-s.

    So far so good. Shake-shake-shake the spear 😉

    Bu at the last minute, the guy says – questquecest??!! wtf@@!!?? This plan sux bigtime. I mean it’s not like I could end up dead or anything, but you never know – better play it safe!! So what he does is, he sneaks into the bitch’s bedroom, knocks her lights out, puts her in the back of her brother’s SUV and parks the SUV in her dad’s motorbike. With him on it 😛

    So, when the broad wakes up, she’s in the sucker’s Camaro, driving on the Interstate – and he tells her she fell on the stairs, in shock, when she found out that her bro had a tragic accident involving her dad – the few remaining pieces of him anyway. So he saw this chance to pull her away from the tragic events happening in fuf#A, and incidentally, to cut him loose from his own fuf#B.